Thursday, May 3, 2007

I thought this was cute

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I don't really have anything to blog on today. I liked this icon, I actually expierenced my 1st round of morning sickness this morning/early afternoon. It was no good but in the end it has great rewards...being a mommy!


Beckyb said...

Oh - I feel for you. I was so sick with all of mine - my doctor always said - everytime you hang your head in the toilet, say a prayer of thanks because it means your little one is just growing stronger!! Odd, but true!!! Hang in there!!

Steffie B. said...

I was sick with Daniel too....tired and nauseated (sp)? all the time! Hang in there!

Deb said...

Yes be very glad to have it! LOL
Hope you have a great day, despite the ickies.