Sunday, May 27, 2007

I'm Back...and so is summer!


What a long week we have had here. I am very glad to get back to normal and be able to do my blog browsing once again! Trent and I are 100% feeling better but I must say that I am going to be a morning sickness kind of lady. Its bad...usually from about 6 in the morning until about 9 I have been spending in the bathroom. I sure am hoping that this doesn't last my whole pregnancy. But if it does, I will be okay with it.

This weekend has been about cleaning...our whole house looks great! One very exciting project was cleaning out the guest room. This is where our new little one will have his/her room. Isn't that exciting? I am not the best decorator though...I have not the slightest idea how the room would be decorated for a boy or a girl?? Any ideas? How is your little one's room done up? That would be a fun post to do..bedroom/nursery pics, but I am so not up to date with blogger land...that has probably already happened and you all have probably posted it before.

OH MY! Let me tell you all the highlight of my weekend. It just happened today actually. The doorbell rang earlier today and it was our next door neighbors. We have fed/watered their animals for them before while they went on vacation, but other than that, we don't really communicate much. Well, I have a feeling that that is about to change...they came over today and asked if we would be interested in feeding their poodle while they were in GUATEMALA! Yep...they are going to get their 7 month old baby girl from Guatemala. How much fun will that be, having that little girl right next door. We talked to them for quite a while and I do believe that we struck up a friendship. They told us about why they were adopting and they told us about their process. We then told them our situation how we were about to adopt and then TUH-DUH...pregnant! They were excited to hear that we plan to one day adopt. What a sweet couple they are!

Now back to Trent's Birthday, I had to treat him great considering the way he treat me on Mother's Day. I bought him a few gifts from me, and then the baby "got" him a shirt( well actually it is kind of for the baby lol) that says My Dad is the Man! He loved it. We had a cook out here today and had a lot of friends/family over to celebrate! It had been a great weekend!

I am so happy to be back at blogger land!!
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Beckyb said...

Glad you are feeling better and back to bloggerworld!!!

Mama Darling said...

So glad you are feeling better...except for the morning sickness.
Great news about your neighbors. You may have more in common than you ever dreamed. It may be the beginning of a lifelong friendship.
I love the shirt. My nephew has a cute one that says,"Who needs Superman. I got Daddy." It was a great hit with his dad.

redmaryjanes said...

I'm glad that you are feeling better! That t-shirt is great. I didn't have much morning sickness. As long as I had a cracker nearby I was ok. I hope it passes soon.

CNA said...

Hey! My name is Caitie and I just found your blog. My family and I are in the process of adopting from China. So far we have been waiting 10 months since our LID and sitll have about 14-18 months until our precious Sarah's referral. Feel free to visit my blog.

Roy and Lori said...

Happy B'day to your hubby!

So glad that you are feeling better!

PandaMom said...

Glad you are back in the blogoshpere! My PandaGirl's room is done in pink gingham, white and a patchwork quilt of dark pastels (if there is such description! LOL). I have a few pandas that just make the room pop, but now that your little one isn't coming from China just yet, I'd wait on the panda thing! ; )