Monday, May 7, 2007

Not the happiest time..

I was just informed last night that Trent's company is wanting him to move to their office in Boston. OH MY! Thats a long way from home. I am so upset about this, we are just now really getting things going the way they should be, things are going so great, and now this. Why does it have to happen now??? The pay is much better than what he is making now and he would get really good benefits in that is good, but we are being asked to leave this place that we have both learned to love and call home. We both grew up down here and all of our family is here. How are our families going to feel when I tell them we will be raising our family over 1,000 miles away? I have been so upset today. I sure hate to leave this beautiful place.

*sorry for the down post*

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Beautiful Sunset view outside of our old condo.
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Our current condo! I love it here!
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Beckyb said...

The new blog look is nice!! Hang in there - I would hate moving too - especially with a little one on the way, but it may be a great move in the end - it's so hard to know from our limited vision!!

Nikki said...

Hey Olivia, I've been out of the loop for awhile, so I'm just catching up.
Your blog looks great!

I can imagine what you must be feeling with the thought of leaving your home (especially now with the baby coming) will be in my prayers. Things do have a way of working out.
BTW, my nephew's name is Braden, so I am a big fan!