Thursday, May 31, 2007

Trent's Deployment..very long post

Wow! I was just browsing my blog and was shocked to notice that I have never posted anything about Trent's military occupation or the time he was deployed to Iraq for 8 months. Today I am just going to blog a little bit about that day and how it is one that I will never forget, it is the 4 yr. "anniversary" to the day that we got the dreaded call.

It was May 31, 2003 and we were having a late Memorial Day celebration. I was out side with everyone and I noticed that Trent had been inside for quite a while and when I went in to check on things, I found him sitting on the edge of the bed with tears in his eyes. When he saw me in the doorway he lost it and the tears started flowing from both of our eyes. I knew that he had been called to duty in Iraq, I just knew thats what it was. I looked at him and said "Did you get the call?"
He just gave me a pitiful look and shook his head yes. I will NEVER EVER forget that feeling that I got. It felt like that someone was taking me and slinging me up against the wall and I couldn't catch my breath ( I know the slinging up against the wall part sounds dramatic but thats how it felt) It was horrible...ahhh it makes me feel nervous as I sit here and type about it. I thought that was bad, that was only the beginning. The day that he left, I thought that I was going to go into a deep depression or something. I could barely contain myself while at the airport and when the plane took off, I felt like everything that I ever loved was leaving me and I might never see him again. Once I got back home, ( I stayed with my parents for about a week) if I saw a picture, I would usually get upset and think about some hilarious or amazing time that we had together.
Months went on and I got more used to my lifestyle of Trent not being home, but I wanted him home soooo bad. On the days that I would get to talk to him or he would write to me, it gave me so much strength to keep going, same for him he always says.

Those were definitely the longest 8 months of my life! (well until now that is, waiting on this little one will take forever!!) The day he came home, I will (once again) NEVER forget the way it felt to see him and to hug him. I thank God everyday for bringing him home to me and his family. Now we are getting ready to start our own family! God is so amazing!!!

This experience really brought me much closer to God! I am now more greatful for everything that he has given me. For those of you who have a loved one over seas, just pray for them every minute of everyday, have Faith, and the day that you get them back into your arms, all the waiting is worth it!

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Welcome Ally to BloggerLand

Hey everyone I don't really have anything to post today so I just wanted to let you all know that we have a new member to the adoption blogger world. Her name is Ally and she is not a mom but a big sister to Lilly who was brought to her family through domestic adoption. Please drop by and welcome Ally to bloggerland. I have given her a few blogs to visit so you might be getting comments from her as well. Thanks everyone, Have a great day!

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Sunday, May 27, 2007

I'm Back...and so is summer!


What a long week we have had here. I am very glad to get back to normal and be able to do my blog browsing once again! Trent and I are 100% feeling better but I must say that I am going to be a morning sickness kind of lady. Its bad...usually from about 6 in the morning until about 9 I have been spending in the bathroom. I sure am hoping that this doesn't last my whole pregnancy. But if it does, I will be okay with it.

This weekend has been about cleaning...our whole house looks great! One very exciting project was cleaning out the guest room. This is where our new little one will have his/her room. Isn't that exciting? I am not the best decorator though...I have not the slightest idea how the room would be decorated for a boy or a girl?? Any ideas? How is your little one's room done up? That would be a fun post to do..bedroom/nursery pics, but I am so not up to date with blogger land...that has probably already happened and you all have probably posted it before.

OH MY! Let me tell you all the highlight of my weekend. It just happened today actually. The doorbell rang earlier today and it was our next door neighbors. We have fed/watered their animals for them before while they went on vacation, but other than that, we don't really communicate much. Well, I have a feeling that that is about to change...they came over today and asked if we would be interested in feeding their poodle while they were in GUATEMALA! Yep...they are going to get their 7 month old baby girl from Guatemala. How much fun will that be, having that little girl right next door. We talked to them for quite a while and I do believe that we struck up a friendship. They told us about why they were adopting and they told us about their process. We then told them our situation how we were about to adopt and then TUH-DUH...pregnant! They were excited to hear that we plan to one day adopt. What a sweet couple they are!

Now back to Trent's Birthday, I had to treat him great considering the way he treat me on Mother's Day. I bought him a few gifts from me, and then the baby "got" him a shirt( well actually it is kind of for the baby lol) that says My Dad is the Man! He loved it. We had a cook out here today and had a lot of friends/family over to celebrate! It had been a great weekend!

I am so happy to be back at blogger land!!
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Hey everyone, sorry that I have been neglecting the blog here lately but Trent and I both have been so sick. All we have really done for the past 4 days is lay around and do basically nothing. The house is a mess, there is so much to be I probably won't be on for the next few days. We are getting things back together here so the computer will be off limits from me.

Thank you to everyone for my comments about my precious little one's sweet heartbeat! I love it!!

Have a great week and I will be back on in a few days!
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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ultrasound Day!!!!

What a great day we have had! Today was my first ever baby ultrasound and it went really great! The baby is so tiny that it was hard to identify but you could see parts that were starting to develop. I did do something that I wasn't expecting, I burst into tears whenever I noticed the little pumping heartbeat on the screen. It just hit me that I am finally getting what I have always wanted since I was a very small little girl...I am going to be a Mommy! I am really just an emotional wreck today actually...whenever I got on early to check my blog, I saw the title and the tears started once again. Now don't get me wrong, these are happy tears (beyond happy tears)
Seeing that sweet little baby for the first time definitely gave me the courage to keep going every day and it also really reminded me that I am so blessed!

I was able to get a video going whenever the nurse stepped out of the room. She was such a sweetie. I asked her if I could video it and she said that I wasn't supposed to but she would step out and let me get a quick video. I did get a little picture of the little one as well. I am posting them both. The video is very quick! We had to hurry while we took it. I took all of the personal information off of the ultrasound just to be safe.

Oh oh oh! Another great thing about the appt. was that my due date go bumped up to Jan.2, I measure to be about 9 weeks! Woohoo!!

I hope you all enjoy the pic and video!!

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Look at that sweet little head! You can see the body taking form! How precious?

The video is not a magnified picture so you can't make out the baby but you can see the little heartbeat!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Doll Pictures!!

Here is the doll that I got from Trent for Mother's Day! I have went out and bought a cute outfit, hairbows, and some sandals. She is sitting on the bed in our guest room, I love her!

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Look at the hair barrett that I found...LADYBUGS!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Please help...

I have a good friend that is about to begin the Vietnam adoption process. I know that most everyone who reads my blog has adopted from China, but I was wondering if any of you knew anything about the Vietnam process. If you could, just help us out. Send links, tips, advice...anything you know! I understand that alot of you won't be to sure but it would be a great help if you knew something!

Thanks everyone!

Monday, May 14, 2007

a quick one

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2 days until my first ultrasound!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

My 1st Mother's Day!

This has been such a wonderful day! Trent is so excited that I am pregnant this Mother's Day and he is doing all kinds of stuff to keep me reminding me of this special time. I woke up this morning to adozen red roses and a card. Then, he came in our room with my breakfest and a gift. The gift was a picture frame that says "I Love My Mommy" and it has my first ever "belly pic" in it. He is such a sweetie, I love him so much! This afternoon when we were sitting down at lunch, Trent told me that he had another gift for me. I was all excited as I watched him go to the hall closet and get out a big box that said "Adora Dolls Inc." He told me that he had ordered this right whenever we began to discuss adoption but then whenever I found out about the pregnancy, he wanted to put it up and save it. Then, whenever I opened up the box, it was a beautiful Asian baby doll. She is soo pretty. He knew that I would love it the moment he saw her in a catalog. He was going to use the doll to tell me that he thought that China would be the right place to go to bring home our baby. The doll is so beautiful!! I sat her on our guestroom bed and I am going to keep her and hopefully one day give her to my little China baby!

I Love You Trent!! You are so wonderful! Thank you for making this such a special day!

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I will post a picture of the doll as soon as I get one!

Thursday, May 10, 2007


First of all, let me say that I hated to post this on my blog but then also, I had to get out my opinion. I mean who in their right mind would put something so vulgar on their sweet little child??
Whew, I don't know, it just frustrates me so bad....
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Now this is more like it!^^

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

New Program

Hey everyone, look at this! I have a new program on my computer that is alot like PhotoShop but it is much easier to use! For awhile, I have been wanting to take B&W pics and give them just a little color. Well, I can finally do it now thanks to this program! You can even save these pics on a disk and have them developed so you can frame them! I love doing this and if you have a picture that you would like this done to, just let me know and I would love to do it for you!

Here are some examples that I have done!

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Mid Week Special

The week is half way over!

Your 80s Heartthrob Is

Kirk Cameron

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

adjusting very well

Here is a new picture of our newest little guy! Codie is doing very well and the big dogs Kaya and Doodles just love having him around!
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Monday, May 7, 2007

Not the happiest time..

I was just informed last night that Trent's company is wanting him to move to their office in Boston. OH MY! Thats a long way from home. I am so upset about this, we are just now really getting things going the way they should be, things are going so great, and now this. Why does it have to happen now??? The pay is much better than what he is making now and he would get really good benefits in that is good, but we are being asked to leave this place that we have both learned to love and call home. We both grew up down here and all of our family is here. How are our families going to feel when I tell them we will be raising our family over 1,000 miles away? I have been so upset today. I sure hate to leave this beautiful place.

*sorry for the down post*

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Beautiful Sunset view outside of our old condo.
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Our current condo! I love it here!
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Sunday, May 6, 2007

Baby Names

I know that it is very soon to talk about baby names but like all anxious parents, we have already started! Last night Trent came upstairs and said that he wanted to have the name picked out so whenever we find out what the baby is, we can call it by a name and not "it", "boy", or "girl".
Trent, of course, wanted to pick a boy name first. He loves the name Hayden for a little boy. Thats not really my favorite, I love Braden!! I have always loved that name so much! We know that for a boy, the middle name will be James (after Trent's brother) so...Hayden James or Braden James?
Then we have the little girl name conflict...I am so in love with the name Brylee Rose. I think it is so cute, precious, ya know, all the good stuff! Trent will not stand for it. "NO WAY" he just keeps saying. He is all for Brenna or Kinsley?? Oh looks like this will be one of those cases where we don't decide the name until he/she is here.

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Friday, May 4, 2007

This should've been photo Friday but...

there was a change of plans whenever this happened...
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I was pulling out of my neighborhood when the car to my left (who had a stop sign, I had the right away) decided that it would be his turn to go and ran right into me. I am so thankful that this is all that happened and that me
(or my baby) <--- I love saying that. wasn't hurt.

I hope you all have a very safe and happy weekend! Looks like we're going to have nothing but rain...

Thursday, May 3, 2007

I thought this was cute

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I don't really have anything to blog on today. I liked this icon, I actually expierenced my 1st round of morning sickness this morning/early afternoon. It was no good but in the end it has great rewards...being a mommy!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I got this from you Emily...

Your 1950s Name is:

Connie Janie

Most of you read Emily's (Stef's Daughter) blog and you probably know about her Wacky Wednesdays, well I have decided to do something like that as well! I think it seems fun and the timing is good since its right in the middle of the week. I just picked this one, I thought it was cute!
Emily, if you don't want me copying your ways just let me know...I totally understand and I'll get it off here!

* I really wish I had another baby update but that won't be for 2 weeks. :(

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Almost forgot...

Well, all the new baby excitement made me forget to blog about our new puppy, Codie!
Thats right, we decided to bring this little guy home!

Kaya loves having this new little puppy around. They have bonded already, Codie looks to Kaya like a Mom and she looks to him like her own baby. Doodles doesn't seem to care to much about Codie. He does like to cuddle up next to him at bedtime. They are all so cute. I look forward to see what they think about the new little one!

Sorry the pics are so big, I forgot to edit the size!
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We just had to get this little guy a home!
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He already loves to sit at the computer with me, just like Cheyanne did as a puppy!
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I knew this would be good for her!
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They are like PB & J
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Visit to the doctor

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I had my very first doctors appt. this morning. They wanted me in as soon as possible so they could check the shape of my uterus and make sure it was looking good. The fibroid tumors sometimes deform the uterus and can cause harm to the baby. Everything looked really good and the doc says I feel to be about 6 weeks. I was excited considering I was thinking 4 weeks at the most. My estimated due date is January 15. I go back in two weeks and I will have an ultra sound so they can take a closer look and give me a more accurate due date! I look forward to keeping you all updated throughout this pregnancy!

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Looks like their might be a little baby in there!