Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Hey everyone, sorry that I have been neglecting the blog here lately but Trent and I both have been so sick. All we have really done for the past 4 days is lay around and do basically nothing. The house is a mess, there is so much to be done...so I probably won't be on for the next few days. We are getting things back together here so the computer will be off limits from me.

Thank you to everyone for my comments about my precious little one's sweet heartbeat! I love it!!

Have a great week and I will be back on in a few days!
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Roy and Lori said...

Glad that you two are feeling better!

redmaryjanes said...

I'm sorry to hear that you are under the weather. Hang in there!

Deb said...

Oh! I hope you are feeling better soon. Get lotsa rest.

Beckyb said...

Oh yuck - I hope you are both feeling better soon!

Emmie said...

Hope you're feeling better soon!

Truly Blessed said...

So glad you're feeling better -- having "the crud" is never fun.

What an amazing miracle the heartbeat is. I'm sure you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

Katie says "hi"!

Steffie B. said...

Hope you feel better soon! ;)