Friday, May 4, 2007

This should've been photo Friday but...

there was a change of plans whenever this happened...
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I was pulling out of my neighborhood when the car to my left (who had a stop sign, I had the right away) decided that it would be his turn to go and ran right into me. I am so thankful that this is all that happened and that me
(or my baby) <--- I love saying that. wasn't hurt.

I hope you all have a very safe and happy weekend! Looks like we're going to have nothing but rain...


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that happened. I'm glad that you and your unborn child weren't hurt...but it has still got to be really frustrating. I hope the other driver has really good insurance and that it isn't a major hassle getting your car repaired.

Beckyb said...

UGH - that is frustrating - I am glad it was nothing more though. Have a better weekend, I hope!!!

crazylady said...

That's a nasty humzinger. Ka ching.
Make your rental (if you do the insurance thing) something really fun. A two seater (for two :o) )
The monsta' trucks with car seats,not so much.