Friday, June 22, 2007

I couldn't pass it up

Well, Trent has been wondering how much longer it would be before I went out and did this..and today it happened. I bought baby clothes! HAHA
I know it still isn't 100% that its a girl but I just couldn't turn around.
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I saw these 2 outfits today at Target and I knew that I had to have them both. I bought size 6 months hoping that they will fit baby next summer because she will be about 6 months old. Aren't they adorable???



Lexie said...

Oh they are soo cute!!!!! Target does have alot of cute clothes for baby girls! :0)

redmaryjanes said...

Those are beautiful. But I want you know that your baby may be bigger than 6 months. Usually babies age does not equal their size. At 3 months mine wore 6 or 9 month clothes. My 2 year old wears a 4T.

Holly said...

Oh those outfits are adorable! I just love baby clothes!

Beckyb said...

I love them - Target has some great clothes!!! Now - if it's a boy - he wouldn't look that bad!!! Just kidding!!!

PandaMom said...

I can't ever resist either! LOVE buying new baby things! ; )

Steffie B. said...

yes....way too cute....and a girl....woo-hoo!

Anonymous said...

I agree with redmaryjanes. My son is 6.5 months old now and is wearing somewhere between 9 and 18 months clothes. I had purchased "coming home from the hospital" outfits, had an ultrasound a couple days after my due date, found out how big baby was, and had to go back to the store to exhange the outfits for a bigger size. He's been ahead ever since. Love the outfits, though!

Anonymous said...

Cute things. I think you should keep it up.

Roy and Lori said...

What cute outfits!

Mommy Spice said...

Target is the BEST place to find cute/affordable clothes. We spend a LOT of time there!!