Friday, June 1, 2007

A quick and early post

I am just dropping by to let everyone know that Trent and I are taking off this weekend. We are headed out to a campground that is about 2 hours away. It will be such a nice getaway and we really need that after our tough week last week. I should be back in bloggerland on Sunday evening. If not then I will be back Monday!

Believe me, I will be looking forward to getting back...I am already hooked!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
*Check out Ally's blog, "Life With Lilly". She is getting great at making her blog pretty.


Steffie B. said...

Have a fabulous time.....Love the new blog

Lj said...

best wish to you and your baby :P

redmaryjanes said...

Enjoy your weekend and I love the blog look!

Roy and Lori said...

Have a great weekend!
Relax and Enjoy!

Ally, big sister to Lillyana said...

that'll be fun! have a great time...or now I guess I should say did you have a great time?

Pam said...

Wow, 8 months. Greg was gone for about 2 1/2 months and my father for 3. My father is retired from the Air National Guard and Greg is still in. My father went to Kuwait in December of 2001. That was very hard. I think having Hannah when Greg went last year to Iraq helped some. I was not able to think about anything but her most of the time.

Thank you for all that you do being an Army wife.