Today I am posting about this ordeal that my husband and I are facing. As you all know, we are about to begin the process... but there is one thing holding us back.
love with China! I have been touched by so many stories and pictures of these little Asian cuties! My husband, on the other hand, is very much fond of India. He has been there 2 times with his church and he is in love with it. He is always reading about India adoption and getting all kinds of information on it. I am in love with the fact that he is so passionate about it but there is that small piece of me that wants to say "no way, we're going to China." Alot of you might think do India now and China later (vise-versa). We aren't really financially able to go through the process more than once so...this time will most likely be our last. I'm just
praying that we will be led to the right decision
very very very soon.
I don't want you all to thank that my blog is going to be a place where I do nothing but complain. Its really
not, I promise!!! I'm not like that at all. This is just something that is really on my mind so I decided to blog it. Thats what this is for, right?
Thanks everyone!

There are many ways to "afford" adoption. Don't think you can't do it twice without investigating all the options. First, did you know that our gov't will give you up to $10,000 back on your expenses. Then, check with your employers to see if they offer an adoption credit. Then, there are many loans and grants available. Keep praying and researching and God will show you the way.
I will be praying for you - that is a tough decision - I have not heard of many people adopting from India but if you can find an agency that does work with India then you are set - now just to decide!!!
I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. God will lead you to choose the right country.
Hi! Thanks for visiting!! Sounds like you have some big decisions to make about where to adopt from. China just put new criteria into effect May 1st which knocked us out of going back for a second daughter as well as 49% of other families wanting to adopt. You might want to check out the new rules if you haven't already. That might be your answer right there. Hope this helps.
I remember being right where you are. My best advice is to pray, God will lead you. I think that you would have a shorter wait going with India, but everything is changing so much all of the time that it's hard to tell. I can say that China is very stable despite the slowness.
Please come by my blog anytime. It looks like we have a lot of wonderful friends in common.
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I'm fairly new at this myself, but it's a lot of fun and it's great when new people visit. Just remember...God knows where your child is. Pray and trust him to make it obvious to you and HE WILL! He patiently showed me sign after sign. It's true that China will have stricter requirements beginning in May 2007. I think you can find them by researching
olivia, i am a stay home mother and my husband is a teacher. there is no money there, but God has provided the money both times for our adoptions and i fully believe we will adopt again... there are many places to get grants, yard sales, letters of support and it just shows up in mysterious ways, but it all shows up.... ask God for guidance on which country and just start that paperwork.
Just keep praying...I believe God WILL show you where you are supposed to go.
And, my husband and I can't "afford" a second adoption either, but I am still praying that God will somehow provide a way anyhow.
He is a BIG God!
God will show you which direction to take. I have to agree with the others. God does amazing things for families to bring these children home. Stay faithful!
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