Sunday, September 30, 2007




Mommy Spice said...

Oh, look at you!! What a precious baby bump you have there. I can't believe how fast it's going. Can't wait to see Miss Evie Rose in a few months!!

Lexie said...

Aww!! You look soo great!!!!! I can't believe how fast time is flying!! Its crazy! I would have never guessed that you were already 30 weeks!!! HOW ExCiTiNG!!!!!

Mama Darling said...

I've been checking your blog and wondering if something was wrong since it's been awhile since you posted. So glad to see that everything is fine and you look wonderful!! Isn't this the most exciting time of your life???? Enjoy every moment of it :)

redmaryjanes said...

Look at that tummy! You look wonderful..very healthy. Sending love to Evie Rose.

Lauren said...


CNA said...

Yay!!! You're all baby!! You look great! I can't wait to see Miss Evie Rose! Congrats!


Nikki said...

You look gorgeous!
Wow, 6 months already!

Paula said...

Congratulations! I have a 2 month old baby girl at home. You are going to LOVE being a mommie! Praise God for your little miracle.

Roy and Lori said...

Just wanted to say hi! I hope you
are doing ok. Take care!

Verna said...

You do look great!! I sure hope we have Noah home before you deliver Evie (love that name--God is so good at picking out names).

Roy and Lori said...

Just wanted to say hi! I
hope you are doing ok!

Linette said...

Congratulations! You look great!
Can't wait to see pics of Evie Rose very soon. :)

Holly said...

Congrats! You must be so excited!